As an early tester, you'll have exclusive access to Groom and the opportunity to provide valuable feedback that will help us shape the app's future.
Any gift you make online this month will be used to complete the MVP.
Problems Groom Will Solve
Donate to Groom FAQs
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at
Thank you for your support!
Why should I donate to Groom?
Expand our reach
Try the platform and invite your friends and family to do the same
How will my donation be used?
Your contributions will help us complete the development of the Groom MVP and launch the platform, market Groom to a wider audience and attract new users.
What are the different donation levels?
Custom: Donate any amount you choose.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Donations to Groom are not tax-deductible.
How can I stay updated on the impact of my donation?
Follow us on social media or Join our early tester community to receive exclusive updates on the development of Groom and the impact of your donation.
Leave Feedback
Please note: This is a beta version of the app, so there may be bugs or limitations. Your feedback will help us identify and address any issues. Tell us about how well the app worked, or if it did not impress you. Any suggestions you have will be read and considered.
Contact the Groom Admin
Groom is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada
+1 (702) 348 3672