Get Groomed When, Where, How you want.

Clients describe your desired look, choose your preferred time and location, and browse top-rated stylists. With detailed reviews and ratings, you can find the perfect match. Book effortlessly and enjoy personalized service tailored to your unique style. Groom simplifies your grooming journey.

Providers actively review incoming service requests, carefully considering each client's specific needs and preferences. They accept or decline appointments based on availability and expertise. Throughout the process, providers maintain open communication with clients, providing timely updates and addressing any questions or concerns. Groom refreshes your booking process.

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Book haircuts, beard trims, & styling with
top-rated stylists near you.

Post Your Perfect Look

Describe your desired hairstyle, color, or any specific grooming needs. Specify everything from hair length and color to beard shape and style.

See Providers Reviews

Read reviews from multiple sources (Yelp, Google, etc.).

Chat with Providers

Send a message, photo or explanation of your unique request before booking!

Providers Review Requests

Send your bid directly to the Client. No waiting for bookings/walk-ins. Work based on your availability!

Provider, not Shop focused

Be your own professional! Your business moves with you, not your landlord.

Provide details via Chat

Spend less time on in shop communication. Save your and your clients time.

Provider Focused

Showcase Your Expertise: Highlight your specialties, whether it's precision haircuts, creative styling, or expert beard grooming.

Leverage Your Experience: Showcase your years of experience in the industry to build trust with clients.

Highlight Your Qualifications: Share any certifications or licenses that validate your skills.

Express Your Passion: Write a compelling bio that reflects your passion for grooming and your unique approach to styling.

Set Clear Availability: Communicate your working hours and appointment availability to manage client expectations.

Client Focused

Precise Service Requests: Clearly articulate your desired hairstyle, color, or beard style.

Informed Decisions: Leverage reviews and ratings from multiple sources to select the perfect stylist.

Direct Communication: Chat directly with stylists to discuss specific preferences. Ask questions, send photos, and ensure you're making the right choice.

Seamless Booking: Easily schedule appointments with local stylists and secure your preferred time slots and your deposit.

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Leave Feedback

Please note: This is a beta version of the app, so there may be bugs or limitations. Your feedback will help us identify and address any issues. Tell us about how well the app worked, or if it did not impress you. Any suggestions you have will be read and considered.

Contact the Groom Admin

Groom is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada

+1 (702) 348 3672

The name must only contain letters and spaces. Please enter a valid email address. The subject cannot be empty. Details must be at least 10 characters.

We appreciate your input!

Your feedback has been received and will help us improve our service. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!

Simple & Beautiful Interface

This custom design is meant to impress and provide the best possible interface for clients and providers.

We are almost ready to launch

We need your feedback to make the app perfect. Try it today!

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We appreciate your willingness to help us improve our product. Your insights and feedback are invaluable, and we look forward to working with you!

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